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Thursday, November 4, 2010

The 2012 Story : The Myths, Fallacies & Truth

On December 21, 2012, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, a 5,125- year cycle calendar system pioneered by the Maya, will come to an end. At the same time, the earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment. More and more people believe that the world as we know it will experience a transformation in 2012, but few are aware of the complete history or significance of the date. More details on next page.

John Major Jenkins, among the most authoritative voices of the 2012 movement, has written a definitive explanation of one of the most thought-provoking phenomena of our time. Drawing from his own groundbreaking research (including his involvement in the modern reconstruction of Mayan 2012 cosmology) and more than two decades of extensive study of Mayan culture, Jenkins has created the crucial guide to understanding the story of 2012-an essential overview of the history, theory, cultures, and personalities that have brought this extraordinary idea into modern awareness.

Jenkins provides illuminating answers to some of the most-asked questions about 2012, including:

- How did the early Maya devise the calendar that gives us the cycle ending in 2012, and how does it work?
- How did the calendar come to be rediscovered and reconstructed in our era?
- What controversies and intrigues surround the topic, and what do scholars and researchers have to say about them?
- How can we cut through all the noise about 2012 and gain true wisdom from the Mayan teachings about this moment?

Kautilya's Arthashastra

Kautilya's Arthashastra
True PDF | 2.06 MB
Author: R.Shamasastry

The Arthashastra is an ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military trategy authored by Chanakya (350-283 BCE).

Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, was an adviser and a prime minister to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta, and architect of his rise to power. Other important works of Chanakya are 'Chanakya Sutras' and 'Chanakya Niti Darpanam'.

R. P. Kangle defines Arthashastra as "science of politics," a treatise to help a king in "the acquisition and protection of the earth". This text is divided into 15 books:

01 Concerning Discipline
02 The Duties of Government Superintendents
03 Concerning Law
04 The Removal of Thorns
05 The Conduct of Courtiers
06 The Source of Sovereign States
07 The End of the Six-Fold Policy
09 The Work of an Invader
10 Relating to War
12 Concerning a Powerful Enemy
13 Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress
14 Secret Means
15 The Plan of a Treatise


The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot

# Paperback: 338 pages
# Publisher: Harper Perennial; First Edition edition (May 6, 1992)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0060922583
# ISBN-13: 978-0060922580

From Library Journal
Author Talbot writes that ". . . there is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it. . . are also only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own it is literally beyond both space and time." Hence, the title of his book. Beginning with the work of physicist David Bohm and neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, both of whom independently arrived at holographic theories or models of the universe, Talbot explains in clear terms the theory and physics of holography and its application, both in science and in explanation of the paranormal and psychic. His theory of reality accommodates this latest thinking in physics as well as many unresolved mind-body questions. This well-written and fascinating study is recommended for science collections.

R.K.Murthi's - Interesting Stories to Learn Proverbs *2009*

Interesting Stories to Learn Proverbs

R.K. Murthi, "Interesting Stories to Learn Proverbs"
Pustak Mahal | 2009 | ISBN: 8122309062, 8122302815 | 176 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB

Proverbs are short well-known sentences or phrases that tell a general truth about life or offer advice. In other words, they present the gist of a moral tale or a fable prevalent in a specific society. And because of their universal appeal, many of these proverbs have crossed their social barriers, and have become part of the human-consciousness in general. In this book, many popular proverbs driving home some universal moral ideas have been compiled from different sources and cultural backgrounds. Besides many others, we have some of the most popular ones like: It is never too late to learn; Necessity is the mother of invention; and, Self-help is the best help etc. Given their popularity and universal acceptance, the stories connected to them have an appeal for the children and adults alike. Also, this specific illustrative format serves to enhance the recall-value of the proverbs besides affording the pleasure of interesting reading. Truly a treasure-trove you can delve into anytime to improve your knowledge and expand your horizon.



Tuesday, November 2, 2010

CrackBerry: True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse

Apress (10-2010) | PDF | 168 Pages | 1430231807 | 55 MB

CrackBerry: True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse /by Martin Trautschold,Kevin Michaluk,Gary Mazo. A delayed train, a dip in the conversation, an early morning hour with no sleep—during these moments, do you feel an overwhelming urge to grab your BlackBerry? Do you know someone else who does? If the answer is yes, then look no further than this one-of-a-kind book…

CrackBerry: True Tales of Blackberry Use and Abuse covers the phenomenon of “BlackBerry Addiction,” offering true-life accounts of BlackBerry dependence and mishaps. You’ll find comfort and humor in the unbelievable tales of BlackBerry abuse and also learn some valuable information along the way.
The definitive guide to responsible BlackBerry use.
How to tame and get the most out of your BlackBerry device
BlackBerry etiquette guidelines
This book offers a comprehensive 12 Step Plan for BlackBerry users and abusers. It’s a must have if you own a BlackBerry, and maybe it’s the perfect gift for a friend who is showing signs of a BlackBerry addiction.
What You'll Learn

* Dozens of user stories that are just too funny or too sad to believe
* A unique 12 Step approach to curb your BlackBerry dependence
* Use effective strategies for balancing life and your BlackBerry
* Work BlackBerry etiquette tips to live by
* “BlackBerry Confessions” from the authors and users from CrackBerry.com
* The “BlackBerry Quiz” to test your level of addiction


American Accent Training – eBook and Audio CDs

The second edition of the highly acclaimed American Accent Training, now on 5 audio CD's, is for foreign-born students and business people working, traveling or studying in the United States and Canada. Through extensive intonation and pronunciation exercises, students learn how to speak with a standard American Accent. At the same time, listening comprehension improves dramatically. Supplementary materials included detailed nationality guides for eight languages (Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, French, German, Russian and Korean), access to a comprehensive website, and referral to a qualified telephone analyst for an individual diagnostic speech analysis. Also included are colored markers for written exercises, and a mirror to practice accurate pronunciation.

Amazon Review – “This is a fantastic book. HIGHLY recommended. It even moved me to write my first review on Amazon. I had no idea that improving my accent would be so much fun and so interesting. The main strengh of the book is in the system. The first one third of the course is devoted to the intonation training, which builds a good foundation for the individual sound training that is to come later. Instead of focusing on particular sounds from the beginning, you learn to think large and change your actual speech flow.”

Sign With Your Baby : How to Communicate With Infants Before They Can Speak

Sign With Your Baby : How to Communicate With Infants Before They Can Speak
Joseph Garcia | Stratton Kehl Publications Inc | ISBN 0963622927 | PDF | 106 pages | 23 MB

This book teaches hearing parents how to use simple sign language gestures to communicate with their hearing infants before their infants can speak.

Joseph Garcia uses anecdotes, practical guidelines and humor to explain the benefits and method for taking advantage of this unique form of early communication. He will help you recognize when your child is receptive to learning. He recommends which signs to teach first and shares ideas for games that can be fun and useful when introducing new signs. The book is also a useful reference with 145 clearly illustrated signs, enabling you to choose and teach the signs that will be most beneficial to you and your child. This book is also included in a separate "package" edition called the SIGN with your BABY Complete Learning Kit - which is comprised of the book, 60 minute training video and quick reference guide.


Encyclopedia of Curious and Unusual Animals

( 9 MB )

Animals have existed on Earth for many hundreds of millions of years. In that time they have evolved into a great variety of forms, exploiting nearly every habitat the planet has to offer. In the dark depths of the oceans, in the seemingly inhospitable Polar Regions, in the driest deserts, even within the bodies of other animals, there are animal species that have developed unique and extraordinary means of surviving and thriving. Extraordinary Animals is an exploration of those members of the animal kingdom who possess strange and bizarre adaptations that allow them to survive in the most extreme environments, or whose complex lives can only be said to be bewildering. From the tar-baby termite to the blue whale, from the harpy eagle to the naked mole rat, these species reflect the exceptionally broad spectrum of life, showing just how diverse the animal kingdom is. Extraordinary Animals: An Encyclopedia of Curious and Unusual Animals has been thoroughly researched for scientific accuracy, but is accessibly written in everyday language. Some of the animals covered are: The Spoon Worm: A species of worm in which the female can grow up to 2 meters long, while the male is only a couple of millimeters long and lives most of its life within the female. 
