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Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Modern Approach To Verbal And Non Verbal Reasoning {Must Download}

A Modern Approach To Verbal And Non Verbal Reasoning 
---by r s aggarwal


A Modern Approach To Verbal And Non Verbal Reasoning
This book contains all types of questions asked in various competitive examinations:fully solved examples with explanatory answers;and a huge collection of practisable question.It is a unque collection of practisable question.It is a unique book of reasoning which is meant for competitive examinations like bank clerical,Bank P.O.,LIC GIC MBA.,Assistant grade,excise and income tax,IAS.IFS,AAO,Railways,Hotel management and others.
Question papers and references given on memory basic will pead the students to success.


This book is copyrighted..it is very hard to find.so some pages are hidden.i am trying to download these pages.if i find those pages i will reupload it.i also chnage the file name to competitive exam.so just download it...

Dan Brown - {all books }

                       The DaVinci Code


Digital Fortress


Deception Point


Angels & Demons


The Lost Symbol


The White Tiger - Arvind Adiga - {Must Download}

The White Tiger - Arvind Adiga

Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The Alchemist

The Alchemist -Paulo Coelho

Albert Einstein

The World As I See It - Albert Einstein

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Salman Rushdie Book Collection

Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie


The Satanic Verses: A Novel : Salman Rushdie


Fury - Salman Rushdie

Bill Gates Books Collection

The Road Ahead:Bill Gates


Business @ the Speed of Thought:Bill Gates


Complete English Grammar Video Tutorial

Complete English Grammar Video Tutorial

The Complete English Grammar Video Tutorial Series

E-learning / 10 DVD / 1.02 GB

Video Aided Instruction’s English Grammar Series makes the tricky rules of English grammar easier to learn than ever before — whether you’re new to English or you’ve been speaking it for years!

The 10 programs in this series are each divided into 3 to 5 short lessons, making them perfect for classroom use or self-study. They’re also ideal for reviewing forgotten grammar or preparing for many verbal standardized tests such as the SAT, TOEFL, GED, and GRE. Plus, they can really help you improve your grades in school or your performance on the job!

Using easy-to-follow examples and practice exercises from everyday life, this series can help you master even the most complicated English grammar topics!

The 10 programs in this series are:

* DVD 01: English Grammar: Sentence Structure
* DVD 02: English Grammar: Parts of Speech
* DVD 03: English Grammar: Sentence Complements
* DVD 04: English Grammar: Verbs
* DVD 05: English Grammar: Pronouns
* DVD 06: English Grammar: Agreement
* DVD 07: English Grammar: Modifiers
* DVD 08: English Grammar: Parallel Structure
* DVD 09: English Grammar: Punctuation
* DVD 10: English Grammar: Spelling & Capitalization 

* DVD 01: English Grammar: Sentence Structure 

* DVD 02: English Grammar: Parts of Speech 

* DVD 03: English Grammar: Sentence Complements

* DVD 04: English Grammar: Verbs

* DVD 05: English Grammar: Pronouns

* DVD 06: English Grammar: Agreement

* DVD 07: English Grammar: Modifiers

* DVD 08: English Grammar: Parallel Structure
Download Part-2       

* DVD 09: English Grammar: Punctuation

* DVD 10: English Grammar: Spelling & Capitalization

Make ur keyboard a live disco

<<< Make ur keyboard a live disco. >>>


This code when executed makes your Caps, Num, Scroll lock keys flash..
very attractive...i have tried it..trust me

*paste the code in notepad
*Save as disco.vbs
*Run the file
This piece of code makes your keyboard a live disco...


Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCk**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCk**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCk**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCk**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCk**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCk**"
wscript.sleep 300
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 300
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK**"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK**"
I Don't Know what's the problem but replace ** with curly bracket close to make it working.
And You can modify all the numbers to any digit to make it more fun..



Complete W3 Schools tutorials

Complete W3 Schools tutorials compiled at a single place

This is a very good collection to learn things for which you otherwise need to go to w3schools.com. Basically a CHM file, you just click things to learn, and they flash before you in moments.


Make ur own locker using NOTEPAD!!

Make ur own locker using NOTEPAD!! I'm sure u will luv dis..!!!

just copy the following code in the notepad and save as a .bat extension.
eg- lock.bat,etc

in the 13th line from d end, it says- 'if NOT %pass%==kingstoneee goto FAIL'
here, the password is kingstoneee. Cut dis n give ur own password..
After saving ,double click on it and u will get a folder by the name 'Locker' where u hav saved dis file.
Then put ur stuffs in dat locker n double click on ur .bat extension...
it will ask u to hide locker, Y/N..
if u press Y d locker will be hidden n even if u goto tools - show hidden folders u wont be able 2 see dis locker folder..
nxt tym when u want 2 open dis locker.,double click on .bat extension n it will ask u for ur password...!!!!!N-JOY!!



title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D**" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D**"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D**"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==kingstoneee goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D**"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D**" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Microsoft Visual C# .NET Training

Title: Microsoft Visual C# .NET
Author: Brian Maxx
SKU: 33592
ISBN: 1-932808-39-6
Release Date: 2005-01-11
Price: Single User: US$ 99.95
Multi User(10): US$ 500.00
Duration: 8 hrs / 134 lessons
Compatibility: Win Vista, X
P, 2000, 98SE, Mac OS X, OS 9, Linux
Work Files: Yes 

Finding IP address of sender in Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail - {Must Know}

Finding IP Address Of the Sender In Hotmail!!

# Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
# Click on the Mail tab on the top.
# Open the mail.
# If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed . To display the headers,

* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked.
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.

# If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP address

* Hotmail headers : Daniel ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. This is be the IP address of the sender.

# If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like this

* Hotmail headers : Daniel
* Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[]. In this case, the IP address of the sender is [].

# Or else if you have headers like this

* Hotmail headers : Daniel
* Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] .

# If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have proxy.anyknownserver.com. 

Finding IP Address of the sender in Yahoo Mail!! 

# Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
# Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
# Open the mail.
# If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed . To display the headers,

* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.

# You should see similar headers like this:

* Yahoo! headers : Daniel.

# Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets []. Here, it is
# That is be the IP address of the sender!

Finding IP Address of the sender in Gmail !!

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender.

* Log into your Gmail account with your username and password.
* Open the mail.
* To display the headers,
o Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links. Click on Show original
* You should get headers like this:
o Gmail headers : Daniel
* Look for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is
* That is be the IP address of the sender!!

This will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.

TOTAL TRAINING ASP.NET ---{must must download }

TOTAL TRAINING ASP.NET all 4 DVD's ......its very worthy downloading...  

set 1

Total Training for
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0
Building Web Applications Set 1

Hosted by Andy Olsen

Highlighted lessons below are available for free.
» Watch them now.
Course Outline
Disc: 1 | 2
Part 1 - Getting Started with ASP.NET

Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF ASP.NET (43 min)
1. Preparing to Use ASP.NET
2. Understanding the Page's HTML Source Code
3. Introducing the ASP Page & its Code
4. Create an ASP.NET Website with Visual Studio
5. Design an ASP.NET Web Page with Visual Studio
6. Running the Web Page & Adding Event Handlers
7. Debugging the Application's Code

1. Introducing the HTML Controls
2. Introducing the Standard Controls
3. Introducing the Data Controls
4. Introducing the Validation Controls
5. Introducing Navigation, WebParts & Crystal Reports
6. Formatting a Page with HTML Controls
7. Adding Options Manually in the Source View
8. Setting the User Interface Properties
9. Invoking the Run As Server Control Function
10. Displaying Information with a Formatted String
11. Designing a Page with Web Controls
12. Changing the Alignment
13. Adding a Calendar Control

Chapter 3: WEB PAGE PROCESSING (69 min)
1. Setting Initial Control Properties in a .ASPX File
2. Programmatic Initialization in the Page_Load Method
3. Adding Buttons, Labels & a Horizontal Rule
4. TimestampLabel & Multiple Selection Listbox
5. Adding Event Handler Methods to Buttons
6. Understanding Viewstate
7. Looking at the Stages of Initialization
8. OnInit, OnPreRender & OnUnload Methods
9. Adding Another Event Handler Method
10. Working with the Command Name Property
11. Looking at the EventDemo User Interface
12. Look at the Initialization Code behind the Web Page
13. Work with the TextChanged Event Handler
14. Handle the SelectedIndexChanged Event
15. Using Auto-Postback Events
16. Viewing the Auto-Postback Source Code

Chapter 4: VALIDATING USER INPUT (51 min)
1. Understanding ASP.NET Validation
2. Specifying Required Fields for the Name Control
3. Specifying the Allowable Range for the Age Control
4. Specifying the Enrollment Date Fields & Range
5. Comparing a Value of a Control with a Fixed Value
6. Compare the Value of One Control to Another Control
7. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Input Patterns
8. Defining Custom Validation Rules
9. Adding an Event Handler to a Button
10. Adding a Validation Summary
11. Organizing Controls into Validation Groups

Chapter 5: NAVIGATING A WEBSITE (65 min)
1. Adding Multiple Pages to a Website
2. Redirecting to a Different Web Page
3. Pass Information between Pages with the QueryString
4. Retreiving QueryString Information in a Web Page
5. Retrieving QueryString Information with Variables
6. Linking Pages by Using Hyperlinks
7. Adding Pages to Use in the Site Map
8. Create a Site Map to Define the Pages in a Web Site
9. Add a SiteMapDataSource Control to a Web Page
10. Displaying a Site Map in a TreeView Control
11. Organizing Parent & Leaf Nodes in a Site Map
12. Reorganize Site Structure into Subdirectories
13. Setting Various NodeStyle Properties of the TreeView
14. Displaying Breadcrumbs in a SiteMapPath Control
15. Displaying a Site Map in a Menu Control
16. Final Comments & Credits


Part 2 - Creating & Deploying Rich ASP.NET Web Applications

1. Overview of Two .config Files
2. Defining Error Pages for a Website
3. Specifying Connection Strings
4. Defining & Using Application Settings
5. Working with the Website Administration Tool
6. Performing Tracing in a Website
7. Tracing across a Whole Application
8. Adding a .NET Assembly to Support Messaging
9. Adding References to .NET Assemblies
10. Referencing to Custom .NET Assemblies
11. Adding Classes to a Website
12. Creating ASP.NET Web Services
13. Adding a Reference to a Web Service

Chapter 7: DATA BINDING (97 min)
1. Working with Basic Single Value Data Binding
2. Applying Data Binding to Real Life Scenarios
3. Defining & Invoking Your Own Properties & Methods
4. Displaying a Text Box Value & Creating a Hyperlink
5. Using Data Binding to Create a Hyperlink
6. Using Repeated-Value Data Binding to Create Various Lists
7. Checking for PostBack Problems
8. Binding a List Control to a Collection of Objects
9. Defining the Value & Text for a Collection of Objects
10. Working with the TextFormatString Property
11. Explaining Data Source Options
12. Configuring & Binding to a SQLDataSource
13. Looking at the HTML & ASP Markups
14. Understanding How Data Source Controls Work
15. Using the Selected & Selecting Event
16. Creating & Binding to a Second SQLDataSource
17. Disabling View States to Save Space
18. Binding a TreeView Control to an XMLDataSource
19. Setting Up a Tree View Control
20. Adding Attributes to Tree Node Bindings
21. Specify an XPath Expression for an XMLDataSource

Chapter 8: RICH DATA BINDING (102 min)
1. Understanding Rich Data Controls
2. Data Binding with a GridView
3. Binding a DataGrid to a SqlDataSource
4. Setting the DataSource ID in the Smart Tag
5. Formatting Columns with the SmartTag Wizard
6. Enabling the User to Select Rows in a GridView Control
7. Use SelectedIndexChanging to Control User Input
8. Creating Logic Based on a CheckBox
9. Formatting with SelectedIndexChanged
10. Creating Master/Detail Relationships
11. Adding Support for Sorting & Paging
12. Using Templates to Create Customized Columns
13. Implementing Editing & Updating in a GridView
14. Addressing Concurrency Errors
15. Using DetailsView & FormView to Control Display


1. Setting Up to Deploy an ASP.NET Web Application
2. Creating a New Virtual Directory
3. Setting Catalog Properties for the Virtual Directory
4. Adding a Login for the Server
5. Publishing the Website
6. Final Comments & Credits


  set 1

Disc: 1 | 2
Part 1 - Web Page User Interface Design Techniques


1. Looking at the Makeup of the CSS Demo Page
2. Creating a Simple Cascading Style Sheet
3. Defining Rules in a Cascading Style Sheet
4. Applying Cascading Style Sheet Rules Selectively
5. Looking at a Web Application that Uses Rich Controls
6. Creating Simple Themes
7. Creating Multiple Skin Files
8. Handling Conflicts between Themes & Styles
9. Creating Different Themes for Mandatory & Optional Controls
10. Using Themes with Complex ASP.NET Controls
11. Specifying Themes in a Configuration File
12. Using Cascading Style Sheets in a Theme

Chapter 2: DEFINING MASTER PAGES (43 min)
1. Knowing When to Use Master Pages
2. Using Tables inside a Master Page
3. Defining Content Pages
4. Changing the Page Heading
5. Defining Navigation Controls in a Master Page
6. Defining Multiple Content PlaceHolders
7. Creating New Content Pages
8. Editing & Applying Themes to a Master Page
9. Accessing the Master Page Objects
10. Adding a Custom Label to the Master Page

Chapter 3: CREATING USER CONTROLS (55 min)
1. Introducing User Controls
2. Adding Content to a User Control
3. Adding User Controls to a Web Page
4. Defining Properties in a User Control
5. Handling Events in a User Control
6. Raising Events in a User Control
7. Accessing the Content of a User Control
8. Encapsulating Functionality
9. Obtaining Summary Information

1. Creating a Simple Server Control
2. Using a Simple Server Control
3. Adding Attributes & Styles to a Server Control
4. Adding a Server Control to the Toolbox
5. Creating Server Controls in a Web Control Library
6. Adding Code to Represent a Styled Link Control
7. Adding Properties to a Server Control
8. Rendering Browser Specific HTML
9. Raising Events in a Server Control
10. Raising Events in a Server Control, Continued
11. Handling Server Control Events

1. Defining a Composite Control
2. Creating Child Controls in a Composite Control
3. Raising Events in a Composite Control
4. Using a Composite Control
5. Extending a Control
6. Rendering with a Regular Expression
7. Using the New Control

Chapter 6: CREATING PORTALS (41:09 min)
1. Introducing Portals
2. Creating Portals
3. Defining a WebPartManager & WebPartZones
4. Adding WebParts to a Portal
5. Adding User Controls to a Portal
6. Modifying User Controls in a Portal
7. Selecting Modes in a Portal
8. Adding Catalog Support to a Portal

1. Accessing WebParts
2. Setting WebPart Properties
3. Providing Help for a WebPart
4. Creating & Configuring a Custom WebPart
5. Using a Custom WebPart
6. Final Comments & Credits


Part 2 - Web Page Implementation Techniques

Chapter 8: MANAGING VIEW STATE (55 min)
1. Examining View State
2. Decoding the View State
3. Storing Data in Local Variables
4. Storing Data in View State
5. Retrieving Data from View State
6. Using Loops to Locate Text & Storing in View State
7. Populating the Text Box from View State
8. Storing Custom Objects in View State
9. Securing View State Using the Always Encryption Mode
10. Securing View State Using the Auto Encryption Mode

1. Looking at CatalogSite & Introducing Query String
2. Using the Query String Robustly
3. Introducing Cookies & Creating a Log In Page
4. Setting a Default Page to Detect Cookies
5. Specifying an Expire Time on a Cookie
6. Introducing Session State
7. Implementing Session State in the Application
8. Storing Custom Objects in Session State
9. Storing Collections in Session State
10. Configuring Session State in a Web Application

1. Using ADO.NET in a Web Application
2. Understanding ADO.NET Programming
3. Connecting to a Database
4. Opening Connections
5. Executing Simple Commands
6. Specifying Text & Connections
7. Executing Non-Query Commands
8. Calling Stored Procedures
9. Executing Queries
10. Manually Using the Data Reader

Chapter 11: GOING FURTHER WITH ADO.NET (78 min)
1. Overview of the Sample Application
2. Configuring Object Data Sources
3. Handling a Selection Event in GridView
4. "Handling Update, Cancel & Delete Events"
5. Handling an Insert Event in DetailsView
6. Creating a DataSet
7. Using a DataSet
8. Editing Data in a DataSet
9. Working with DataViews
10. Creating DataSets with Multiple Tables
11. Using DataSets with Multiple Tables

1. Looking at Concepts of Output Caching
2. Varying Output Caching by Query String
3. Configuring Output Caching
4. Managing Cache Information across a Website
5. Substituting Content into a Cached Page
6. Using Data Caching
7. Testing the Data Cache

1. Creating Resources
2. Using Resources
3. Creating & Using Page-Specific Resources
4. Defining Localization for User Controls
5. Supporting Localization in Custom Controls
6. Creating & Using Localized Resources
7. Generating Localized Content

1. Using Forms Authentication
2. Defining the Authentication Form
3. Using a Membership Data Store
4. Configuring Authentication Properties
5. Granting Access to a Specific User
6. Final Comments & Credits



PHP with MYSQL essential training {Must Download}

php with mysql essential training needed to create a powerful website

Website and database assimilation is a necessity for many of today's businesses, and learning to work with PHP is key to integration success. The objective of PHP with MySQL Essential Training is to teach both new and experienced web developers the comprehensive steps for building dynamic, data-driven, interactive websites. Instructor Kevin Skoglund demonstrates the entire process of building a content management system. He starts with the basics of the PHP language (variables, arrays, loops, functions, etc.) and works up to building dynamic web pages with a MySQL back end. Kevin also covers blueprinting applications; structuring and interacting with databases; building, validating, and processing forms; and regulating user access with passwords. In addition, he provides practical advice, offers examples of best practices, and demonstrates refactoring techniques for improving existing code.

PHP with MySQL Essential Training
02.PHP Overview
03.php concepts
04.how to execute php
05.First Steps
06.Exploring Data Typ
07.Control Structures Pt. 1: Logical Expressions
08.Control Structures Pt. 2: Loops
09.User-Defined Functions
11.Building Web Pages
12.MySQL Basics
13.Building a Content Management System
14.Application CRUD
15.Building the Public Area
16.Regulating Page Access
Also some other explained concepts are  

[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 01 Installing Apache).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 02 Installing PHP4).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 03 Configuring for PHP).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 04 Adding PHP to HTML).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 05 Intro to Variables).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 06 Installing MySQL).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 07 Intro to DATABASES).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 08 Intro to TABLES).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 09 Working with DATA).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 10 Introduction).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 11 User Account).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 12 Integrating PHP & MySQL).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 13 Writing a Counter Script).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 14 For Loops and Array).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 15 IF Statements).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 17 Writing a Guest Book).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 18 Writing a Stat Tracker).avi
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] PHP & MySQL (Course 19 PhpMyAdmin).avi

English Guru (3CD)

English Guru (3CD)

This video is for who want to learn English and improve their communication skills.

File size: 1.31GB (Disk 1: 329MB; Disk 2: 398MB ; Disk3: 622MB)
Format: MPEG Video


Disk 1:
01 Greet
02 Education Qualification
03 Where do u live
04 Family
05 About yourself
06 Home
07 test
08 what & why
09 where & when
10 who or whom
11 How
12 Request & Command
13 Is & Are
14 Test
15 Present Tense
16 Past Tense
17 Future Tense
18 Angry
19 Sympathy
20 Thank you

Disk2 :
01 Likes & Dislikes
02 Has & Have
03 General conversation _bus station
04 General conversation_Party
05 With the teacher
06 Direct & Indirect speech_kitty party
07 Test
08 Conversation at Rail station
09 Conversation at Airport
10 Telephonic Talk
11 School
12 Hospital
13 Interview
14 Test
15 Cricket field
16 Departmental Store
17 Sorry
18 Reactions
19 Idioms
20 Prepositions

Disk3 :
01 Fluency Tips_Adjective phrases
02 Fluency Tips_Phrases
03 Barrier in fluency
04 05 06 Movies
07 08 09 Songs
10 11 12 novels & Poetry
13 poem
14 Humour or Jokes 

Friday, January 15, 2010

WEBSTER'S dictionary Latest

WEBSTER'S dictionary Latest

Download the Latest Websters Dictionary....

Vaastu Shastra

Vaastu Shastra - the book

Vaastu Shastra, the science containing ethics of planning and architecture, implements construction of buildings to ensure a harmonious balance between man and nature. It contributes in creating a pleasant setting or a place to live and work in the most scientific way; captivating the benefits bestowed by the five Elements present in nature, thereby paving the way for enhanced wealth, health, prosperity and happiness. The word 'Vaastu 'originating from Vastu represents physical environment or anything existing such as house, shelter, etc. and 'Shastra' represents the systems - knowledge, text or principles.

Since ancient times Vaastu Shastra considered as one of the traditional Hindu standard of town planning and architecture can also be called the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balance them with the man and the material. These five Elements of nature -- Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space known as Paanchbhootas comprise the world. It is believed that out of the nine planets, our planet has life because of the presence of the five Elements.

Earth (Bhumi): Earth, as a large magnet extends its magnetic field and gravitational force affecting everything living and non-living on the Earth. Comprising of the land structure, landform, landscape, flora and fauna, Earth also establishes availability of local construction materials and their workability.

Water (Jal): Water represented by rain, river, sea etc. in the form of solid, liquid and gas (steam, cloud) forms part of every plant and animal. Physical life and habitat exists only where there are water. History depicts Imagethat cultures and civilizations flourished on the bank of any water bodies and also all the modern day cities. This shows the influence of the water on our life, since ages.

Air (Vaayu): Air, the element with a powerful life source deals with the entire body surface through skin, blood system - through respiration. Though oxygen present in the air is required for respiration; Nitrogen, Carbon-di-oxide, Helium, other gases, dust particles, humidity and vapor in also present in certain proportions. Pure air with oxygen is good for brain and blood. The physical comfort of human beings is rationally dependent on correct humidity, airflow, and temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content.

Fire (Agni): Fire representing light and heat also symbolizes the days and nights, seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion and vigor without which life cease to exist. All is because of light and heat only. Sun considered being the source of mental energy plays an important role in development of visual qualities of architecture in terms of textures, colors and expressions of energy.

Space (Aakash): All the elements - Earth, Water, Air and Fire are responsible for the creation of comfortable, pleasant, determinant, vibrant and satisfying spaces for habitat. Space representing the endless expanse consist not only our solar system but the entire galaxy is comprised of forces like light, heat, magnetic field, gravitational force and others.

It has been found that life exists and evolves in regions where all the five Elements are found in abundance, creating an invisible and invariable relation between these elements present outside and those within an individual and in his/her home and job place. Vaastu Shastra emphasizes on constructing buildings based on the principles of the Five Elements or Paanchbhootas and it is believed that each direction is guarded by a heavenly force. So according to Vaastu, if you revere and respect the lords of these eight directions, you may reap the benefits for proper utilization of the direction.

* North - representing Kuber, the god of wealth grants us wealth and prosperity.
* Northeast - representing Ishwar grants us wisdom, divinity and relieves us from sufferings.
* East - representing Indra, the king of Gods grants wealth, progress and all pleasures of life.
* Southeast - representing Agni, the God of fire grants energy vigor and beautiful personality.
* South - representing Yama, the God of death eradicates evils and grants all good things.
* Southwest - representing Niruti (demon) grants purity, cleanliness and eradicates fear of enemies.
* West - representing Varun, the God of rain showers his blessings bringing prosperity and pleasure in life.
* Northwest - representing Vayu, the God of wind and the basis of life grants health, strength and long-life. 

McGraw Hill - Engineering Companion

Every engineer should have this books.
Total page:959 pages in PDF format.
SIZE : 11 MB

Book Contains :  

Chapter 1. Engineering Units 1.1
Dimensions and Units / 1.1
Systems of Units / 1.1
Conversion Factors / 1.19
Selected Physical Constants / 1.19
Dimensional Analysis / 1.19
References / 1.22

Chapter 2. General Properties of Materials 2.1
Chemical Properties / 2.1
Thermophysical Properties / 2.4
Mechanical Properties / 2.10
Electrical Properties / 2.22
Other Engineering Material Data / 2.23
Special Requirements / 2.34
References / 2.34

Chapter 3. Engineering Mathematics 3.1
Algebra / 3.1
Geometry / 3.7
Analytic Geometry / 3.12
Trigonometry / 3.18
Differential and Integral Calculus / 3.21
Differential Equations / 3.36
Laplace Transformation / 3.40
Complex Variables / 3.41
Vectors / 3.43
Statistics and Probability / 3.45
Numerical Methods / 3.47
Note on Sets and Boolean Algebra / 3.53
Digital Computers / 3.56
Calculators / 3.62
References / 3.64

Chapter 4. Applied Chemistry 4.1
Common Definitions / 4.1
Stoichiometry / 4.4
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Chemical Thermodynamic Relations / 4.22
Thermochemistry / 4.23
Chemical Equilibrium / 4.30
Phase Equilibria / 4.32
Chemical Reaction Rates / 4.35
Electrochemistry / 4.37
Organic Chemistry / 4.41
Nuclear Reactions / 4.44
Biochemistry / 4.44
Nomenclature / 4.45
References / 4.47

Chapter 5. Mechanics of Rigid Bodies 5.1
Statics / 5.1
Friction / 5.21
Kinematics / 5.24
Dynamics / 5.34
Nomenclature / 5.42
References / 5.44

Chapter 6. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 6.1
Static Stresses / 6.1
Dynamic Stresses / 6.5
Beams / 6.5
Columns / 6.14
Torsion / 6.14
Combined Stresses / 6.15
Cylinders and Plates / 6.17
Nomenclature / 6.18
References / 6.20

Chapter 7. Thermodynamics 7.1
Introduction / 7.1
First Law of Thermodynamics / 7.3
The Second Law of Thermodynamics / 7.4
Ideal Gases / 7.6
Real Gases / 7.12
Power Cycles / 7.25
Nomenclature / 7.33
References / 7.34

Chapter 8. Mechanics of Fluids 8.1
Nature of Fluids / 8.1
Fluid Statics / 8.4
Fluid-Flow Characteristics / 8.8
Fluid Dynamics / 8.14
Boundary-Layer Flows / 8.22
Flow in Pipes / 8.32
Open-Channel Flow / 8.41
Two-Phase Flow / 8.44
Acknowledgments / 8.46
Nomenclature / 8.46
References / 8.48

Chapter 9. Heat and Mass Transfer 9.1
Conduction / 9.1
Radiation / 9.5
Convection / 9.9
Combined Heat-Transfer Mechanisms / 9.19
Heat Exchangers / 9.21
Relation of Heat Transfer to Thermodynamics / 9.22
Nomenclature / 9.23
References / 9.26

Chapter 10. Conservation Equations and Dimensionless Groups 10.1
Conservation Equations in Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer / 10.1
Dimensionless Groups and Similarity in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer / 10.15
Nomenclature / 10.24
References / 10.27

Chapter 11. Topics in Applied Physics 11.1
Electric Fields / 11.1
Magnetic Fields / 11.8
Simple Electric Circuits (Examples) / 11.11
Waves / 11.13
Lasers / 11.22
Fiber Optics / 11.24
Nomenclature / 11.26
Acknowledgments / 11.27
References / 11.27

Chapter 12. Automatic Control 12.1
Introduction / 12.1
Basic Automatic-Control System / 12.4
Analysis of Control System / 12.4
Frequency Response / 12.13
Stability and Performance of an Automatic Control / 12.14
Sampled-Data Control Systems / 12.21
State Functions Concept in Control / 12.22
Modeling of Physical Systems / 12.24
General Design Procedure / 12.27
Computer Control / 12.28
Data Acquisition for Sensors and Control Systems / 12.28
Nomenclature / 12.33
References / 12.34

Chapter 13. Mechanical Engineering 13.1
Mechanical Design Engineering
Principles of Mechanism / 13.1
Force and Work Relations / 13.5
Constructive Elements of Machines / 13.8
Motive Elements of Machines / 13.14
Energy Engineering
Pumps / 13.22
Positive Displacement Pumps—Reciprocating Type / 13.24
Positive Displacement Pumps—Rotary Type / 13.26
Centrifugal Pumps / 13.26
Miscellaneous Types of Pumps / 13.32
Compressors / 13.34
Fuels and Combustion / 13.39
Internal-Combustion Engines / 13.43
Oil Engines / 13.43
Steam-Power Plant Equipment / 13.44
Boilers and Superheaters / 13.47
Draft and Draft Equipment / 13.48
Feedwater, Accessories, and Piping / 13.49
Steam Turbines / 13.50
Condensing Equipment / 13.51
Refrigeration Engineering
Refrigeration Machines and Processes / 13.53
Properties of Refrigerants / 13.54
Overall Cycles / 13.54
Components of Compression Systems / 13.55
Absorption Systems / 13.56
Thermoelectric Cooling / 13.56
Methods of Applying Refrigeration / 13.57
Refrigerant Piping / 13.58
Cold Storage / 13.58
Cryogenics / 13.59
Industrial and Management Engineering
Activities / 13.59
Systems Concept / 13.61
Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Design / 13.62

Chapter 14. Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering 14.1
Civil Engineering
Surveying / 14.1
Soil Mechanics and Foundations / 14.8
Highway and Traffic Engineering / 14.15
Railroads / 14.18
Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage / 14.20
Economic, Social, and Environmental Considerations / 14.41
Hydraulic Engineering
Hydraulic Turbines / 14.42

Chapter 15. Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering,
and Petroleum and Gas Engineering 15.1
Chemical Engineering
Diffusional Operations / 15.1
Multiphase Contacting and Phase Distribution / 15.22
Mechanical Separations and Phase Collection / 15.25
Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design / 15.27
Nomenclature / 15.38
Environmental Engineering
Introduction / 15.43
Wastewater Treatment / 15.44
Air Pollution Control / 15.54
Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Petrophysical Engineering / 15.69
Geological Engineering / 15.69
Reservoir Engineering / 15.70
Drilling Engineering / 15.70
Production Engineering / 15.71
Construction Engineering / 15.71
Gas Field and Gas Well / 15.71
Petroleum Enhanced Recovery / 15.71
References / 15.72

Chapter 16. Electrical Engineering 16.1
Basic Electrical Devices and Their Symbols / 16.1
Electric Circuits and Their Characteristics / 16.2
Direct-Current Circuits / 16.16
Single-Phase Alternating-Current Circuits / 16.20
Polyphase Alternating-Current Circuits / 16.33
The Magnetic Circuit / 16.37
Electrostatic Circuit / 16.50
Sources of EMF: Generators / 16.52
Sources of EMF: Electric Batteries / 16.59
Transformers / 16.64
Motors / 16.71
Alternating-Current Motors / 16.71
Direct-Current Motors / 16.83
Converters / 16.85
The Synchronous Converter / 16.85
Motor-Generator Sets / 16.88
Mercury-Arc Rectifiers (Converters) / 16.88
Control and Protective Devices and Systems / 16.89
Motor Control / 16.91

Chapter 17. Electronics Engineering 17.1
Components / 17.1
Discrete-Component Circuits / 17.9
Integrated Circuits / 17.16
Linear Integrated Circuits / 17.18
Digital Integrated Circuits / 17.21
Computer Integrated Circuits / 17.34
Computer Programming / 17.36
Computer Communications / 17.58
Industrial Electronics / 17.76
Wireless Communications / 17.78

Chapter 18. Reliability Engineering, Systems Engineering, and
Safety Engineering 18.1
Reliability Engineering
Types of Failures / 18.1
Failure Rate / 18.2
The Bathtub Diagram / 18.2
Constant-Failure-Rate Case / 18.3
Reliability Equations and Curves When Failure Rate Is Constant / 18.3
Failure Intervals / 18.4
System Reliability / 18.8
Summary of Relevant Formulas / 18.14
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering / 18.18
Simulation / 18.19
Systems Analysis / 18.20
Optimization / 18.21
Operations Research / 18.22
Safety Engineering
Safety / 18.24
Legal Aspects of Safety / 18.25
Instrumentation and Controls / 18.26
Plant Engineer’s Function within the Safety Committee / 18.27
Accident Prevention / 18.29
Building Structure / 18.29
Means of Egress for Industrial Occupancies / 18.30
Powered Platforms, Personnel Lifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms / 18.30
Ventilation / 18.31
Compressed Gases / 18.32
Materials Handling and Storage / 18.32
Machinery and Machine Guarding / 18.34
Mills and Calenders in the Rubber and Plastics Industries / 18.35
Mechanical Power Presses / 18.35
Forging Machines / 18.36
Mechanical Power Transmission / 18.36
Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment / 18.37
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing / 18.37
Arc-Welding and Cutting Equipment / 18.37
Resistance-Welding Equipment / 18.38
Special Industries / 18.38
Electric Equipment / 18.39
Toxic and Hazardous Substances / 18.39

Chapter 19. Measurements in Engineering 19.1
Length Measurement / 19.1
Angle Measurement / 19.3
Strain Measurement / 19.4
Temperature Measurement / 19.6
Pressure Measurement / 19.12
Flow Velocity Measurement / 19.15
Measurement of Fluid Flow / 19.18
Electrical Measurements
Current, Voltage, Resistance, Frequency, Power . . . / 19.24
Other Measurements / 19.32
Nomenclature / 19.41
References / 19.41

Chapter 20. Engineering Economy, Patents, and Copyrights 20.1
Engineering Economy
Basic Concepts / 20.1
Cost Estimating / 20.6
Breakeven Analysis / 20.15
Evaluating Investments / 20.23
Evaluating Investments Using the Time Value of Money / 20.27
Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
Patents / 20.31
Trademarks / 20.35
Copyrights / 20.37
References / 20.38
